Wind Energy – Wind Lift Tower

The installation of wind turbines on the open sea (offshore) is essential for the realization of big wind parks. Assembling the wind turbines is conventionally done with big cranes, but those are expensive, restricted in their availability and most of all extremely weather sensitive. BERG idl GmbH has analyzed various alternatives in the past, by the order of a big building firm, and has found the most efficient and effective one in form of the Wind Lift Tower.

An elevator system is moving up and down on an assistment pole in order to lift the turbine pole parts to their destinated position, where the final mounting takes place.

This easy assembling method comes with various advantages

  • Weather independent
  • Fast
  • Save
  • Low-Prized
  • Every height is reachable
  • Parts with a weight higher than 500t can be assembled
  • Integrated transport system for pole parts
  • Service system
  • Dismounting system

The method and the device are patented. BERG idl is available as your professional partner and license grantor. We would like to inform you about further information of the state of technology and more than 30 more advantages to the conventional mounting method in a personal meeting.


The pole, consisting of small pole parts, the machine pod and the rotor blades will be lifted up by a special lifting pod, driving up on an assistment pole assembled around the actual pole. When reaching the top, the parts will then be shifted sidewise and put down hydraulically. The assistment pole is mounted around the pole segments and adapts to the size of the growing pole while the wind turbine is assembled. The assistment pole is mounted on the foundation of the wind turbine or on a base construction, during the whole mounting process, and will be disassemled afterwards. The single wind turbine pole parts are connected to the assistment pole parts, they build a statical unit. The assistment pole elements serve also as transport containers for the wind turbine pole parts, in order to guard them from external damage. The strain from the lifting pod, moving up and down on the assistment pole, is carried by the assistment pole or by a combination of the assistment pole and the wind turbine pole. The vertical forces of the transport, and the guiding forces between lifting pod and assistment pole, which are the highest when lifting the heavy wind turbine pod, are carried completely by the assistment pole.

The highly expensive and extremely weather dependant, common but suboptimal, crane usage, can be completely avoided with this mounting system.

4 Systems in One

  • Pole handling system
  • Mounting system
  • Service system
  • Dismounting system


  • Kranloses Montagesystem
  • Lasten größer 500 t möglich
  • Hubhöhe über 150 m möglich
  • Keine konstruktiven Veränderungen am Mast der WEA erforderlich
  • alle Mastformen möglich
  • jede Gründung möglich
  • Komponenten jederzeit austauschbar


  • Craneless mounting system
  • Weights over 500 t liftable
  • Lifting height of over 150 m
  • No alternations on the WEA pole needed
  • Works for all pole shapes
  • Every foundation usable
  • Parts can be switched out anytime

The company Berg idl GmbH designs, engineers and constructs the most modern assembly techniques for the solution of mounting problems in all industrial sectors. The assembling of wind turbines is being professionally monitored and systematically analyzed by us since many years. The obtained experience has led us to the development of the presented method, that features, in comparison to all common mounting methods, obvious advantages regarding weather liability, assembling time and cost efficiency.

Contact us

Do you have questions about our products or would you like to send us a request? We are looking forward to your message!

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